What Tools Do You Use To Pick Locks?


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The locksmith has a variety of lock picks to choose from. It just depends on the lock. Yоu should іnvеѕt іn more picks оnсе уоu knоw whаt works bеѕt fоr уоu. Whеn уоu саn identify уоur рrоblеmѕ with specific lосkѕ mоrе ассurаtеlу, іt іѕ at that роіnt thаt уоu can begin to rеаѕѕеѕѕ уоu рісk set.


1. Rake

Two types of rakes are most popular. The first is called the City rake (L rake). The City rake looks like a saw blade, which gives it a similar look to a city’s silhouette.

The saw blade shape of the instrument lends it to move toward a rocking motion (up and down in the keyway) because the rake is meant to simulate the biting on the key. Perhaps the best rake (or most commonly used) is the Bogota.


2. Snowman

These look like somebody put two metal balls on the end of the pick. The one at the end of the pick is typically smaller than the one below it. These are also best matched for wafer locks and can be raked with some simple padlocks.

You will also find half snowman lock picks as well; these are used in a similar fashion and for similar locks.


3. Hook

A hook is an excellent tool for single-pin picking, but it has several other uses that make it very dynamic. How many uses you can get out of your particular hook will depend on the size of the hook as well as the size and shape of the keyway.

A hook can be placed in a keyhole upside down (so that the trough is now at its peak) and rocked as if it were an “L” rake. A hook can also be used to “bitch” pick a lock. Bitch picking (surely this term’s etymology does not stem from the derogatory use of this word) is when you begin to randomly select the lock without any sense of what pins you are interacting with or how they are being set.


4. Full ball

These look like a small metal ball on the end of the pick. These are best matched for wafer and warded locks but can also work with numerous pin tumbler locks, especially Master Locks. Half balls are also very popular for wafer locks.


5. Tension Wrench

The tension wrench is the unsung hero of lockpicking. During all of these processes, and with all of these tools, you will need tension applied to the lock. The importance of tension cannot be stressed enough.

If it is too much, the pins will not be able to set correctly, and the same will happen if there is not enough tension.

The quality of the metal will influence your results and the longevity of the tool. Much like the process of buying locks, you are paying for quality. The more expensive the device (for the most part) will reflect a higher quality of the steel, a better handle, etc.


All of your locksmith tools and issues are solved.

In some extreme case, the lock may need to be drilled and removed because of damage inside of the lock. If this is the case then a new deadbolt lock installation is recommended. Then your lock picking issues would be solved.

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