car keys on ringOne of life’s small disasters is needing a car key replacement. It is a manageable issue and there are worse things to have happen, but it still is a major inconvenience. Just think of the frenzy you may be in when it happens- not only does it throw off your schedule, but it can be costly. If you find yourself in need of the service, here are some important tips to remember.

First, always check to see if you can claim your care key replacement on your car insurance policy. If you key was stolen or it is lost, sometimes you can be reimbursed for the charge. If it is included, there normally is a cap on reimbursement. Find out if this is on your policy. If you are up for a new policy, ask about getting it included.

Second, some insurance companies have a stand-alone rider for covering keys. Never assume that your policy includes it without specifically asking your agent about it. They should be able to show you the rider with exact coverages and with the exact dollar-amount allotted per incident. Speak to your agent about all the details and how often it applies. Some policies offer this stand-alone rider, however it only covers one incident per six-month period.

Third, be sure to call a reputable locksmith to help you with the situation. Whether your key was broken in the ignition cylinder or you lost the key, a locksmith can be a great service provider. Of course if you merely locked your keys in the vehicle, this is a no-brainer. But you also can benefit from having a good automotive locksmith create a car key replacement for you. Always be sure to ask about specific pricing, however to make sure that the locksmith you call doesn’t have hidden fees to spring upon you when they arrive.

1It also is always a good idea to have a spare set of keys somewhere accessible. Usually you get two pairs of keys when you purchase a car. If you have a used car, however, sometimes this isn’t available. In this case, you always should splurge and get the second set. This is likely the one thing that will save you in the end.

Of course if your key is broken in the lock, getting another set may not be an option. You may have to let your automotive locksmith help you with key coding. It isn’t a bad idea though to always be prepared. Although it may cost to replace the key, it will cost more if you need the key with emergency service. In the end, having a spare set of car key replacements can ease your mind, keep you safe and be an easily-instilled precaution.

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